Have you ever thought bride searching is so difficult. I never thought so until I found out through my friend's experiences. To get the right bride he did every possible thing. Enrolled himself in matrimonial sites, performed poojas, did homas, covered his fingers with what not rings, edited his profile repeatedly, visited places. It was akin to a job search. I should say even for a job he never ever struggled so much.
In earlier days brides used to give dowry to bridegrooms but now it seems the time has changed. As I guess it's the turn of boys to pay. The population of girls being lesser than boys not withstanding their demands are also the reasons to add to the prolonged difficulties faced by boys to find a girl. Just to give a sample of their demands(this he found out when he visited some matrimonial centers) minimum PG, minimum IIT or IIM, settled in Bangalore, green card holder, minimum salary of lac and the demands go on. He was happy when sombody asked for an MBA (as his qualification is MBA). But on deeper analysis he came to know it was pointing at BTech with MBA. I don't understand as to why are we so obsessed with qualifications when job is the only thing that should matter. For that matter even age of a boy should not be of concern. Just to point out my friend's experience, a mother of a girl asked him where he worked. Her face lit up as if a 1000 watt bulb when she got the answer she wanted. But that glow existed for a few fleeting seconds before it was gone with the advent of the next answer. The next question was about his age.
At this point one might be forced to think that love marriages are better. But let me beware you that even this carries many hurdles. You might have to be handsome, rich, intelligent talker, smart etc. But then again inspite of possessing all these qualities you have high chances of loosing out in the tough competition as the girls go on from one to another by dumping to find the best of the lot. As usual the boys are left behind with their bleeding hearts with nobody else to treat it with the bandage of love.