Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Time Warp

Why do our parents think that they know everything? (They keep advising us) Why do they despise all that which may not match with their biases? (They think the previous gens were more intelligent) Or they stuck in a Time Warp?

Those were the days of landlines and Telephone booths. I still remember the time when I had to stand in a line (1.25 rupees in my hand, because thats what costed per call) in front of a booth just for a chance to speak to my friend over phone. It all has changed just in a span of 10 years with the advent of small wireless devices called cell phones. When I had bought it for the first time I thought that it might be of no use to me as I was not as social. I am sure many people would have felt the same way. Now when I look back, I know, that statement doesnt hold good anymore.

Our generation has now been sorrounded by these so called different kinds of gizmos and gadgets. We will not be able to visualize our lives otherwise. I am sure if cell phones were to be banned (Like prohibition towards drinking) today then we might even be prepared to smuggle them just to have a look at it. A cell phone has become an identity and an extension of our physical self that we might feel handicapped with out it. There was a time when I used to write, re-write on scores of papers to get my poetry right. Finally when I got it right I might have used atleast 20 papers of manuscript with numerous permutations and combinations of sentences underlined, scratched, written over and over again. Now laptops, desktops and very recently ITabs and Iphones with the facilities of MS-office have made all the editing more easier.

Now leave alone coexisting with these devices they have become our world. Our parents never had to put up with these things. So they really dont understand the state of today's generation. This has been the reason enough for our parents to always went their anger at us. When I am in my room doing something on my laptop they would just come up and yell at me not to waste time. They would rather be happy seeing me reading my text books. Now hold on!! I might just be doing the same thing in my E-Library. Why should they assume that I would be wasting my time playing only games on it? (I was infact doing the same thing) But why should they assume that instantly?

What used to be a source of knowledge at their time may not be anymore. To find a piece of information during their times would have taken a lot of (not at all worth it) effort from going to a library, searching scores of shelves, looking through various paper back editions and finally getting to what they wanted. But now you can just type it in google and you get it with the least effort. The problem with our elders is that they are still stuck in a time warp. They still can't realize the fact that the time of Rafis and Kishores are gone and the time of pritams and Rahamans are here irrespective of their liking. They should learn to respect the ideas of every generation and keep abreast with the updates. During their times the interaction with external world was minimal. That was best suited at that point of time. Today's world is made up of Facebooks and Twitters. They are so embeded into our systems that we cannot have any identity without them. If you cant understand a new thing atleast you should'nt despise it. The best thing that one can do is to keep the mind open and abserve and absorb the changes.

I hope that we can remain as broad minded as possible when we age. The next generation kids already speak the language of CDs and XBOX games. But those changes are inevitable with every surge of new generation. We just have to realize that this is the nature of ever-changing volatile world.

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