Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Best Gift that can ever be given…

“I came to love you as an imperfect person. But the perfect person in you has made me overcome those imperfections in me”

It was the morning of my Birthday. I had visualized spending the day in a Resort along with my girlfriend before ending the day with a late night party. At least that is what I reckoned when I had left home in my brand new Red Volkswagen Vento – a gift from my father - to meet her in the morning. But what transpired henceforth had been a far cry to what I had anticipated. I was not only astounded by her insistence of spending the day in an orphanage but also found the idea to be very inane. Eventually I had to succumb to her innumerable pleas.

She had brought along various gifts to distribute to those children. I could not help but think that those gifts were to people whom she barely knew but none for a person who could surrender his entire life for her. The gifts included several hues of tiffin boxes, geometry boxes, school bags, chocolates etc. I had brought my new car as a display of my wealth but had the least idea of its transformation as a cargo transport to ship those gifts to the orphanage.

As we entered the campus, the Head of the Orphanage welcomed us with a whimsical smile. We were told that the strength of the orphanage was about 40 children between ages of 2 and 14. Most of these children were working as child laborers before being brought here. The Orphanage ensured that they went to neighboring schools to complete basic education. It depended a lot on the donations from various institutions and people like us to provide a proper food and education.

The children were sitting in rows on the floor in the class. As we entered they all stood up and greeted us. We made ourselves comfortable on the chairs facing the class. This experience was totally alien and non-existent in my life until now. I was so wrapped up within myself that I barely had an inkling of a world beyond. My world consisted of Friends, Parties, long rides etc. But now I was being coerced to embrace a world that I detested to the hilt. Feeling out of place, I itched to get out at the first opportunity. What had to be a day spent draped in romance filled with passion was being squandered in a place of frivolity.

I was woken up from my thoughts when a 2 year old child caught my hand. She had a distinct charm and a haunting smile. Though I resisted, her charm urged me to let her sit on my lap. I was told that they found her when she was 6 months old in garbage nearby. I could not empathize with a mother who could part with her newly born to garbage. There was a sudden upsurge of hidden sorrow within my heart making my eyes moist. As we communicated they reciprocated with a lot of vivacity. They sang, danced and showcased their talent like none other. I was amazed when they performed with characteristic aplomb and vigor with total lack of any stage fear.

It was only during these interactions I realized that there was an unknown soulful happiness that otherwise never existed in my world. All this while, I had been self-indulgently happy riding bikes, driving different cars and attending parties. But this was the first time I was spending my time altruistically. I suddenly grasped that my girlfriend had given me the biggest gift of all. The realization that real wealth existed not in cars or parties but in happiness obtained in sharing the same to others. And I slowly started enjoying the whole scheme of things. But then some questions that kept on lingering in my mind did not have answers. Why God chose only these children to be sans their parents? What is it that makes these children inferior to others? Had it not been these Orphanages who would have taken care of them? Questions many but answers none.

Finally, it dawned upon me that the answers for these questions lay within us. And that is the reason God chose us to be there. Meeting and interacting with them not only gave them a sense of belongingness but also made them realize that they are by no means inferior and that they too can compete in this otherwise cruel world. On the whole I realized what I was missing and started being more considerate towards others.

Indeed the Best gift that can ever be given.

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